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The Granola Diet: 42-Year-Old Yoga Instructor Drops 4 Dress Sizes

The key is controlling your cravings with little rewards!

Around her 40th birthday, Dianne Kruger started to notice some changes in her body.

“I felt like I’d lost my chance to finally get into good shape,” she says. “I put it off in my 20s, I put it off in my 30s, and then it was too late.”

Like anyone else, Dianne had her daily battles with cravings, especially for chocolate and other sweet foods.

She planned out healthy meals, but it was almost impossible to avoid office snacks, coffee-shop treats, and especially desserts.

And with every year that passed, those “cheats” seemed to come at a bigger and bigger cost.

“Every time I indulged, it packed a little more flab onto my thighs and hips. And it got a little bit harder to work it off every time.”

She found herself 20 pounds overweight, which didn’t feel good on someone who teaches yoga every day!

Little Cheats Were Starting to Add Up

“I felt like a bad example to my students,” Dianne says. “I always preach moderation and self-love, but here I was feeling embarrassed of my own figure just because I can’t snack responsibly.”

And Dianne wasn’t alone. Women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s tend to have the same cravings that they had when they were younger, only they pay a higher price when they indulge them!

It’s nobody’s fault, it’s just the result of your genetics.

And resisting those sweet cravings only makes things worse. How often have you denied yourself that cookie for days, only to splurge on a whole pack when you finally cave in?

As Dianne found out, the key isn’t denying cravings… it’s satisfying them with something that’s fulfilling but still highly nutritious.

A Cheat Isn’t a Cheat When It’s Wholesome Granola

After seeing it on the Today Show, Dianne signed up for a 1-month trial of Oatbox. It’s a company out of Canada that delivers handmade granola to your door every month....

...but this granola, even though it’s sweet, isn’t the “sugar bomb” that you buy in the supermarket.

Oatbox is made with organic, rolled oats, and no artificial sugars. Usually it’s sweetened with organic, natural honey, which reduces hunger and cholesterol levels, while providing tons of health benefits like:

  • Powerful antioxidants that boost resistance against aging
  • A huge dose of soluble fiber that promotes low cholesterol
  • Slow-releasing carbohydrates that give you energy and keep you full

For $20 a month, Dianne got 2 bags of tasty, seasonally-inspired granola.

Her first month’s package included Maple Walnut granola, Apricot Black Tea granola, and a sealable glass jar that was perfect for Greek yogurt parfaits and on-the-go snacking.

A Small Reward So She Could Stay Motivated

“It’s important to me to stay energized throughout the day,” says Dianne. “I’m a mother of 2 and teach yoga for about 4 hours a day, so Oatbox was perfect for a between-activities snack. I almost liked it for dessert more than breakfast!”

The simplicity and inspiring, seasonal flavors weren’t the biggest thing for Dianne, though. She realized that oats gave her sustainable energy.

Even though they’re a carb, oats have a very low glycemic index, which means that the energy releases slowly and doesn’t go straight to your hips.

Dianne started slowly, replacing an energy bar or a muffin with a few spoonfuls of power-packed granola, or making a to-go parfait before she started her day.

“I felt a lot more energized after a few days. I actually felt good enough for a quick morning run before getting the kids ready for school, and I never go for a run!”

And that’s all it took: a small change that was easy to commit to. Dianne weighed 3 pounds less after just a week, and 5 months later she was 29 pounds lighter!

It Didn’t Take a Crash Diet or Back-Breaking Exercise

Dianne tried a lot of weight-loss programs before trying Oatbox: no-carb, no-fat, calorie-counting, and even vegetarian and vegan…

...but they all had one thing in common.

“I couldn’t stay committed to drastic programs or intense exercise. I have a husband, two kids, and a career of my own!”

That’s why Oatbox was perfect for Dianne. She turned to it whenever those cravings started to creep up.

“It tastes so good that I don’t miss junk food. I just reward myself with some fresh granola whenever I want to.”

Gluten-Free? Allergies? Vegetarian? No Problem!

And Dianne wanted to avoid gluten for a while, and Oatbox was super-helpful. She just emailed them her diet preferences and they made sure she only got gluten-free oats. You can order almost any past mix from Oatbox, which is perfect for:

  • Vegans and vegetarians
  • Gluten-free people like Dianne
  • Anyone with nut or dairy allergies

So it’s very easy to commit to a plan that works for YOUR body. Dianne actually couldn’t believe how simple it was.

The results definitely speak for themselves!

Make a Small, Positive Change with Oatbox

The truth is, most people bite off more than they can chew when they want to lose weight.

Bigger commitments are much harder to make… nearly all “high-commitment” diets fail within 7 days!

That’s the genius of Dianne’s diet plan. It was a small, achievable change that revolutionized her relationship with food.

“Once I started satisfying those cravings with something healthy, I got some momentum and it all got a lot easier.”

Experts agree that avoiding empty-calorie snacks is essential to any weight loss program… and it looks like Dianne found a pretty delicious substitute.

If you want to try Oatbox for yourself, click the link below. You can cancel at any time, and you’ll get two seasonally-inspired flavors every month!

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