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Can a Struggling Single Mom Cure Stress and Sleepless Nights? Dr. Oz Says Yes!...But What Will Big Pharma Say?

Dr. Oz

Revolutionary new "Miracle Sleep In a Bottle" remedy that major pharmaceutical companies DON'T want you to know about!

Gwen Smith is a young mother from Chicago in her mid-20's with three children and, unfortunately, one divorce under her belt already. Between caring for her kids, working at her unfulfilling job, and co-parenting with her ex-husband, the constant and chronic stress was taking a physical toll on her body.

After months of her inability to get regular, good-quality sleep had transformed into full-blown insomnia, and she felt like she was starting to lose the ability to perform basic functions, such as driving her kids to school or staying awake on the job.

Sadly, Gwen is not alone in her struggle. In fact, recent studies indicate that 2 in 5 Americans also struggle from restless nights so if this sounds like you, keep reading to discover the safe, natural, and affordable way to reduce your stress and sleep better at night.

Gwen Smith's Story

"I haven't slept this well in years"

Age 42

"Before I got married and had children, my life was stress-free and I slept like a baby every night. I didn't think that caring for my kids, and my husband, and maintaining a full-time job would be so overwhelming - I felt like everyone else seems to be doing it just fine, things should work out eventually...right? The stress of it all made it nearly impossible to sleep at night.

After I got over the shock and pain of the divorce, I realized that I needed to find a way to sleep better, and do it quickly before it got out of control. I also realized that, for the sake of my children and for the sake of my own well-being, I needed to find a way to reduce my stress and sleep better at night so that I could be a great mom for my kids and so that I could find a way out of my dead-end job and into a satisfying career."

Gwen went to several different doctors. She even got referrals to sleep "specialists" and psychiatrists. But all they wanted to do was write her expensive prescriptions for drugs with scary-sounding side effects. She was beginning to lose hope until she saw a special episode of the Dr. Oz show a few weeks ago which demonstrated the safe, all-natural, affordable way to sleep better at night and reduce chronic stress.

Dr. Oz

Getting the proper amount of sleep is imperative to staying healthy.

Dr. Oz, as well as the overwhelming majority of the medical community, recognize how important it is to get good quality sleep. They are also well aware of the physiological effects that stress can have on the body. And since most pharmaceutical solutions are little more than "slapping a Band-Aid on", he and doctors like him have been pushing for safe, healthy, alternative cures for stress caused by sleep deprivation.

so what is HER big secret?

After months of researching online, Gwen stumbled upon a revolutionary new product called Lunexia. She found thousands of reviews from customers claiming that it has saved their lives by allowing to them fall asleep faster, and wake up more refreshed. Some customers are even calling it "miracle sleep in a bottle" because of how well it works.

Unlike expensive pharmaceutical prescriptions, Lunexia is made from all-natural herbs and botanical extracts. They help reduce your body's stress levels on a molecular level, and they help lull your body into a deep, restorative, natural sleep at night. In fact, their patented formula increases the average amount of quality, restful sleep by 83% or more each night!

Furthermore, Lunexia is a combination of the most effective herbs, amino acids, and botanical extracts which have been shown in clinical trials to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Its ingredients can improve serotonin levels in your brain, which is a responsible for mood regulation and feeling happy. It can also help increase the amount of GABA in your brain, which calms down the parts of the brain that become overstimulated (this is what normally keeps you awake at night) as the result of stress.

We Had to Test This Out for Ourselves

Before we wrote this feature piece on the fantastic benefits of this product, we had to make sure the science was real (and not just anecdotal). We needed solid proof, so we asked for some volunteers from our staff to back up what all of these success stories were saying.

One of our hardest working employees, Stacy Jones, agreed to try these products out for a total of 7 days. Stacy is our paid intern, and volunteered immediately because she is a self-diagnosed "insomniac" and claims that she has the most trouble getting to sleep.

Here are the results...

Stacy Jones

7 Day trial of Lunexia


"I'm not going to lie, I was pretty skeptical at first. Despite hearing all of the success stories from people taking Lunexia, I wanted to try it for myself. The first night that I used it, I was shocked at how well it worked. I noticed that I actually started feeling sleepy at night when it was time for bed. Not only did I stay asleep through the entire night, but I also woke up alert and refreshed.

As far as my daily stress levels...well, I'm an intern, which means I have to keep track of dozens of tasks for everyone in the office each day. Sometimes, I freak out and feel really overwhelmed. But I noticed that after taking Lunexia, I didn't feel as overwhelmed with my tasks (probably because I finally got a full nights rest)."


"Holy cow! The Lunexia is working like a charm! I can't believe that I'm actually falling asleep right around bedtime and staying asleep through the night! I wake up energized and ready to conquer the day! I don't even need to hit the 'snooze' button anymore.

My stress levels at work and in my personal life have also been going down which also makes me feel great. I'm starting to think that this isn't just another miracle pill!"


"It's official: I don't know what I ever did without Lunexia! The past week has been a complete change now that I'm falling asleep faster, staying asleep for longer, and wake up feeling energized. The best part is that I've been getting compliments left and right for how well I'm doing at work! My friends have even been saying that they can notice the change in the way I look too which is a huge bonus."

"Lunexia is something that I would recommend to anyone looking to improve their sleeping habits. Even if you think you don't need it, you should give it a try. It's completely changed my life for the better and with the 75% OFF discount, there's no reason you shouldn't try it. Just before doing this interview, I ordered the 5 pack because I want to use the discount before it goes away!"

the verdict

From what all of these success stories told us, using Lunexia completely eliminated sleep problems and daily stress levels within a few short days of use. We've received thousands of emails from consumers tell us how Lunexia helped them to get better sleep, wake up refreshed, and felt energized throughout the day!

In addition to helping you relax and improving your overall quality of sleep, Lunexia is great for people who are traveling because it comes in a small bottle. The best part, is that Lunexia is non-habit forming product! Once you take it, you can enjoy a wonderful night's sleep!

will this work for you?

We can understand the skepticism. After all, how can some inexpensive herbal remedy be more effective at eliminating your daily stress and helping you sleep better at night than even the most expensive prescription pills? Well, you don't have to take our word for it alone. Do what stacy did and try it for yourself! Lunexia 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back, you have nothing to lose!

We couldn't make it easier for you: just click on our exclusive link below, and it will take you to the same 75% OFF discount offer that our intern Stacy took advantage of. They are also giving away FREE shipping!

limited time 75% OFF Exclusive link

Cant Sleep?

IMPORTANT: During clinical testing it was proven that you must use Lunexia every night to achieve similar results.


Update: Only 24 Packages Available Special Promotion Ends:

Step 1: USE Lunexia to sleep soundly
claim 75% OFF of Lunexia

This special offer ends:


Tohloria Lewis

I've been using these two products for 3 weeks now. Like everyone else, I saw it on Dr. Oz. I thought "no way, I've been an insomniac since I was a kid", but got curious and tried the free trial. THIS STUFF WORKS! I was hella surprised.

Reply. 12 minutes ago

Tanya Porquez

I heard about this on the news a while back and thought YEAH RIGHT. But when I saw it again on Dr. Oz I figured he wouldn't talk about it unless it was legit, so I tried it. Never doubt Dr. Oz!

Reply. 13 minutes ago

Jennifer Jackson Mercer

I missed out on the free trial, but I ordered a supply anyway and it shipped really fast. I've already gone through it and am ordering another. I wish I had heard about these sooner!

Reply. 25 minutes ago

Kristy Cash

Agreed! I also loved how fast it shipped. I thought I was just lucky though

Reply. 46 minutes ago

Katy Barrott

My mom uses Stress Reliever Name for stress and my girlfriend started using Lunexia for sleep (she blamed it on my snoring, but whatevs) and I'm about to start med school, so I think I'll be using both very soon!

Reply. about an hour ago

Amanda Gibson

OMG I feel for Gwen my story isn't much different and I'm pretty sure that episode of Dr Oz saved my life cuz idunno where I'd be if I were still sleep deprived and stressed out all the time!!!!

Reply. 1 hour ago

Julie Keyse

I've been waiting FOR MONTHS for them to offer the free trial again. So glad to see it back! I'm on a really tight budget so I can't afford to buy full price yet but if it's as good as people say it is then I'll MAKE room in my budget!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Kent Gibson

My wife was struggling after we had our first child and this stuff really helped. For once, I was happy she was watching daytime TV.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Kirsten Bauman Riley

I WAS one of those people who nearly lost it suffering from Rx drugs side effects. I still feel angry thinking about all the money I wasted, but not THAT angry thanks to Stress Reliever Name and Lunexia.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Celia Kilgard

It worked alot faster for me than it did in the other people's testimonials. I was sleeping like a rock after only two nights. Glad it worked so fast!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Alanna 'martin' Payne

Got my order coming. Can't wait to try it!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Alice Chang

Got mine! Love it!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Mark Fadlevich

I work odd hours for the TSA, and trust me…this stuff makes my awful job and ridiculous hours MUCH more tolerable.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Ashley O'Brien Berlin

I've been using this for years - waaay before it was ever on the Dr. Oz show or anywhere else. I mean, I guess I'm glad that it's going all mainstream and helping people, but I kinda liked it better when it was my little secret…*sigh*

Reply. 2 hours ago

Amanda Hickam

I almost cried reading Gwen's story…same thing happened to me, only worse…I wish I'd found these as early as she did! But yeah the reduced stress and the wonderful sleep has really been a life-saver

Reply. 3 hours ago

Brittany Jackson

My job is really stressful and even dangerous on some days. I'm curious about these but still hesitant - can someone PM me and let me know if it works for them?!

Reply. 3 hours ago

Shellie Wilson Hodge

Seriously couldn't live without this stuff. SERIOUSLY.

Reply. 3 hours ago

Jill Phongsa


Reply. 4 hours ago

Molly Murley Davis


Reply. 6 hours ago

Laura Kelch Miranda

This stuff saved my sanity when I was planning my wedding. Our photog couldn't believe how fresh-faced and relaxed I looked on the big day, and even commented "wow I don't even have to break open my emergency concealer kit. You'll look great in your photos"!!! :D And FYI, yes, she was right, I looked AMAZING.

Reply. 8 hours ago


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